
#Utes4Ukraine is a campaign that started in response to the official request that we received from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyy. Below is the scanned copy of the letter and its translated version that Zaluzhnyy sent to the AFUO Co-chair Kateryna Argyrou.
In his letter Zaluzhnyy says that for the success of the Ukrainian offensive thousands of cars are required. He asks Australia to support this request through Defend Ukraine Appeal.

We are asking you to support this initiative in the following ways:
1. If you have a ute that you are able to donate, please reach out to organise collection;
2. If you can help with organising transport of collected utes to Ukraine, please reach out;
3. If you would like to help us with raising funds towards purchasing utes in Europe, please donate.